GC FUJI I Glass Ionomer Luting Cement – Professional for Metal Restorations

GC FUJI I Glass Ionomer Luting Cement: Advanced dental bonding solution for metal prosthetics.

Features easy mixing, fast setting, and long-term fluoride release.

Ideal for crowns, bridges, and orthodontic bands.

Trusted by dentists for years of clinical success.

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Deal of the Day

Original price was: $157.00.Current price is: $116.00.


Fuji I: The Ultimate Glass Ionomer Luting Cement for Metal Restoration

The GC FUJI I is a glass ionomer cement designed for bonding PFM restorations, including regular metal prosthetics. It provides a strong and biocompatible bond to tooth structure and metal, making it an ideal choice for various dental applications.

Product Features:

  • Good bonding strength to tooth structure and metal
  • Biocompatible with minimal thermal expansion
  • Easy to mix, creamy consistency
  • Only 15 micron film thickness
  • Adequate working time and fast intraoral setting
  • Long-term fluoride release and recharge ability
  • Years of successful clinical use

Operation and Attention

  • No surface treatment needed
  • Mix powder and liquid according to correct ratio (20 seconds for hand mix, 10 seconds for capsule)
  • Apply mixed material to tooth and prosthesis bonding surfaces
  • Seat prosthesis within 30 seconds after mixing
  • Remove excess material during setting
  • Setting time is 4’30” from start of mixing
  • Apply varnish or GCCO-COABUTTER for waterproofing after setting
  • Store in a cool dark place (4-25°C, 39.2-77.0°F)

Parameter Table

Parameter Value
Brand GC
Origin Japan
Powder Aluminosilicate glass, polyacrylic acid
Liquid Polyacrylic acid, distilled water, tartaric acid
Package Contents 35g powder bottle, 25g liquid bottle, mixing pad, powder scoop
Uses Bonding metal or porcelain bridges,

bonding stainless steel crowns and orthodontic bands,

cavity lining

Setting Time 4’30” from start of mixing
Storage Cool dark place (4-25°C, 39.2-77.0°F)
Fuji I The Biocompatible and Easy-to-Mix Glass Ionomer Cement for Dental Applications
GC FUJI I Glass Ionomer Luting Cement – Professional for Metal Restorations