How Fixing an Overbite Can Transform Your Appearance

Do you feel uncomfortable when you smile? Do you avoid taking pictures when you are laughing out loud? Well, not anymore! Thanks to modern orthodontics, there are therapies and treatments available that fix our dental issues like overbite. It’s a condition that affects our facial appearance. Overbite usually occurs when the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth. This often comes off as an imbalanced appearance. Before we dive into understanding how fixing an overbite changes the appearance, let’s start with basics first like the potential damages likely to occur.  

Damages Caused by Overbites

  • Loss of enamel
  • Speech problems
  • Cavities
  • Throbbing headache
  • Gum diseases
  • Difficult to chew food

The above-mentioned are some of the common damages that result because of overbites. Now let us understand how it develops in the first place.

An overbite can occur because of multiple reasons like genetics, misaligned jaw, thumb-sucking habits or even using a pacifier for a long time. Regardless of the reasons, it can create disharmony between the upper and lower teeth leading to making the chin appear smaller and lips more stand out. This diminishes self-esteem in how people perceive you.

To regain this confidence back, we are here to share with you how fixing an overbite can transform your appearance and prevent other serious dental conditions.

How Fixing Overbite Alters Your Facial Features

Fixing an overbite is not an overnight procedure. It requires patience and time. Once you have started taking the orthodontic treatment you will gradually notice the changes. Here are some of the most distinguishable changes that will appear on your face.

1. Chin Projection

Once the upper and lower teeth are aligned properly then it will enhance the chin projection. It will give the appearance of a more defined jawline and a stronger chin.

2. Relaxed Lips

If the overbite is left untreated, the lips are protruded. But with overbite correction, the facial structure is improving. Now the lips are calmer and in harmony.

3. Nasal Structure

There are certain scenarios in which an overbite will affect the nasal structure. But with its realignment, the upper teeth will subtly change the shape of the upper jaw and nasal cavity.

4. Balanced Facial Appearance

Once the overbite is aligned, your entire face will look more defined and symmetrical.

Ways To Correct the Overbite

There are multiple options available to correct your overbite. It may be a long treatment but it’s worth all the efforts that your orthodontist and you will combine.

1. Invisalign

Invisalign is a clear aligner that can treat mild cases of overbite, underbite, crossbite, open bite, crooked teeth, and crowded teeth. It can take around six to ten months to fix an overbite with Invisalign. The primary reason why individuals opt for Invisalign is that it’s custom-made and upon wearing it remains transparent.

2. Metal Braces

Traditional braces have always been a go-to option for receiving quick results. Because the wires and brackets put pressure on the teeth, gums, and jaw to line up together. Many individuals feel uncomfortable wearing metal braces. In such situations, we suggest you connect with your orthodontist for the right treatment.

3. Bite Plates

Bite plate is yet another option to fix an overbite. It helps in preventing your bite from deepening. You can consult your orthodontist regarding how to use them. Typically you can remove the bite plate while brushing, eating, or playing any sport.  

4. Surgery

Last but not least, severe overbites that have resulted in skeletal misalignments will call for surgery. It will align your jaw properly so that the upper and lower teeth do not overlap. We suggest you connect with your orthodontist to take further action.

Final Thoughts

An overbite can stir a lot of insecurity and discomfort among many people. But, let’s not fear it. It’s possible to correct the issue, transform your smile, and prevent other detrimental conditions like cavities, gum diseases, tooth loss, and so much more. Hence, it becomes crucial to connect with a trustworthy orthodontist who will ensure success throughout the process. Embarking on the path to a perfect smile, orthodontics collaborate with the dental laboratory to craft the bespoke aligner, tailor-made for your unique journey. This marvel of modern dentistry is designed to gently guide your teeth into alignment, all while remaining virtually invisible. Depending upon the severity, your orthodontist will present you with a road map of solutions dedicated to you. So take that first step and book your appointment today!